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Almokhtar original oriental Arabic sweets that you must visit in Nazareth.
This is the first oriental middle eastern sweets in Nazareth to open.
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From generation to generation since 1974 Alsadaka (Friendship) shop, takes care of every detail to make delicious eastern sweets that everyone loves.

Arak Festival at Sudfeh Restaurant 7-9/5/2015
The fisitval will includ music play and Traditional alcoholic Drink (arak) for 3 days... ;)
Atelier Saher Okal Workshop is great place to visite in the old city of nazareth
the owner of the place Saher Okal, a young Fashion Designer : Studied at Accademia Italiana - Art ana Fashion design , Nazareth.
Saher also known for he luxury style and he's unique taste in fashion around the glob.
Avis is the leading Israel car rental company.  Avis provides business and private customers with a variety of auto services at twenty seven locations in Israel.
'Bala Bizer' (Translates; Seedless)
The Association of Baptist Churches in Israel (ABC) was established in the early nineteen sixties when three area churches: Nazareth Baptist, Jerusalem Baptist and Baptist Village joined forces to promote each individual church's effort through mutual cooperation and fellowship.
The Association of Baptist Churches in Israel (ABC) was established in the early nineteen sixties when three area churches: Nazareth Baptist, Jerusalem Baptist and Baptist Village joined forces to promote each individual church's effort through mutual cooperation and fellowship.
The Association of Baptist Churches in Israel (ABC) was established in the early nineteen sixties when three area churches: Nazareth Baptist, Jerusalem Baptist and Baptist Village joined forces to promote each individual church's effort through mutual cooperation and fellowship.
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Bayat is authentic restaurant of Nazareth. Restaurant right next to  Mary well and the other side is the Orthodox Church of the Annunciation.
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"Betharram Center" also known Casa di Betharram as in Nazareth is the guest house of the Fathers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Betharram for pilgrims accommodation.
BIG FASHION Nazareth is a new "Lifestyle Center" (a new concept for Israel brought by Big Shopping Centers Group), and is first of its kind in Israel.
It is characterized by a mixture of stores emphasizing fashion, cosmetics, jewelry and coffee shops.